Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Give me my corner.

I haven't posted here in a really long time, and I don't plan on doing it again for a really long time. But why the hell not.

Here's a little synopsis of the nerdness of my life.

1986 - born, not yet a nerd.
4-5 years old - Here is where I show my first signs of being a nerd. One of my earliest memories ever is a dream I had. I was walking through a big dungeon/castle that sat on top of a cloud.I was walking by an assortment of jail cells (one of them contained Count Duckula), and got nearer to the end of a hallway. There I saw one of my He-Man action figures (the hairy one), grown to 6 feet tall, pick up my mom and throw her out the window.
Oh and also, I loved New Kids On the Block.
During this era, I got a guitar. A fake guitar, but a nice fake one. It had strings. Guitar > NKOTB. This is a step in the right direction, but eventually it would be perverted into nerddom.
Not only that, but my guitar was broken by the local bully. The evil bully that only picked on me and none of the other kids (in fact, he was my sister's best friend. I tried to hang out with my sister to seem cool until I was about 10, then I realized I was just going to get shut out if I tried)
