Monday, December 14, 2015

So I just want to note real quick that my writing is going to be especially shit using memo, because I can only see like 15 words on my screen at a time. It throws me off. Maybe it shouldn't, but it does. I lose the BIG PICTURE of whatever paragraph I'm working on. Sorry for sucking.

I'm not sure this'll get posted tonight, but I'm typing it just after finishing my last entry. I have a lot of free time at this job. I'm a clerk at a convenience store in downtown Hometown. Been here since February 2014 and it is a fantastic job.

Since I reread my old entries, here's a couple tings - My depressed friend from the last entry is Maiden, from a few entries ago. The girl asshole is Maggie, from a few entries ago. If I didn't hide their names before, why start? They both largely don't go by those names anymore anyway. If more names come up I won't be.shy withem.

The Celtics are good. Some power ranking today had them 5th in the league, which is wrong and hilarious, but nice. The Warriors almost had theirwin streak broken in Boston, 2 overtimes, but they won. Lost the next night in Milwaukee so now they're 24-1, incredible. The Celtics are probably like the 12th best team, not 5th, but that Warriors game got them some attention. The team is so likeable, every single player could be like the 4th best player on a championship team, which is strange. Strange to have almost no players worse than that and none that are better than that. I have a ton of faith in Smart, Bradley, Turner, Olynyk, Crowder. Just slightly less in Amir Johnson, Sullinger, Thomas.. Isaiah Thomas is our best offensive player seemingly, but I think he's peaking right now. He's my height. There are more reasons than that, but that is one. He could be the 2nd option on a title team maybe, if your #1 guy is Durant or Harden or something. But ehn. Btw that "slightly less" list is still really good, I'm just not totally COMPLETELY sold on that lot. Even the players I didn't mention are all pretty ok. Good team.

At this point I'm probably better off not getting overlyheavy with what I'm getting into this entry. I just don't want any entry to be too lengthy. This has been a good little odds and ends session though. Adequate.

Hey how about a really fast synopsis of the stuff about my life that I haven't mentioned

Hey how about no question mark


That job I had when I started this blog was at Goodwill, in case I didn't mention it before. I mentioned San, so I can leave that alone. The only other girlfriend I've had is the one I'm with now, going on.. I think 4 years with her now, it sucks. So I've only had sex with them and one other oneoff okcupid encounter. Like I said in my two-1-subject-notebook- long suicide note I started a year ago, yes, it does fucking matter.

After GW I was jobless for a long time. Just a dick, living off of his parents, even though they could barely scrape by even if I wasn't there. I found another job at another thrift store in September of..  fuck I used to know this! 2010 I guess. And I've been working ever since, thank God. Sometimes I'll capitalize God. When I feel it.

The thrift store job was alternately good and bad. Lots of pros and cons. Lots of heartbreaks and victories. In hindsight it was a blast. But I worked like a dog. Never tired, I Those periods were unintended, but I like them.

I was honestly the mvp at many points in that store. Then I was denied a promotion and got salty and went job hunting. That's why I'm here, at my dream job.

Less than a year into the second thrift store job, my parents moved halfway across the country. My sister, who is 3 years older (more factsz - I'm 29 now), was there, along with her husband and my new-at-the-time nephew. I could have gone, but I doubted my ability to find a job out there and I was envisioning myself being a bym again. Especially with no car.

 That's when I moved back to Hometown to live with Bob and Maiden. Ludicrously cheap rent, even before it was split three ways, but we only had one big living room, one normal bedroom, bathroom ,and a tiny kitchen. And ceilings under 6 feet high. It was a blast regardless. Not for Maiden, but Bob and I had a good time.

 Between my job (where every day was sort of like an 8 hour long conversation with various coworkers) and my newfound sorta popularity in Hometown (for.. reasons, just know it had nothing to do with my sparkling personality), I shed my superintrovertedness and became what I am now - just mildly introverted. When it's time to converse with people, I'm actually, like, a fucking human. I still hate all of the other humans, but still, I can be normal.

Through Bob and a little bit of that Hometown popularity, I met my current girlfriend. I eventually moved out of Hometown, moved in with Shannon and Steve in uh, 2nd Hometown. That was a bad living situation. Well, not bad til girlfriend moved in with me. Things got tense, then. Almost none of it was my fault, but that didn't matter.

Girlfriend's dad had to sell his house in Hometown because of high taxes, and he bought a BIGASS house in (spoilers) Currenttown. We moved into there in June. We have our own apartment within the house. It's perfect. My job is perfect, my house is perfect, and I'm barely hanging on.

Now we're at today.

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